Transformational Coaching

Transformational Coaching

No two leaders are the same. Their unique perspectives and leadership challenges require equally unique methods for growth.  To truly grow, leaders need to transform.  Our coaching approach enables that transformation.

This tailored, holistic view of coaching ensures individuals are exposed to a variety of experiences that put them on the path to leadership evolution.  

From personalized one-on-one coaching sessions, to challenging group workshops – leaders are introduced to new concepts, equipped with the tools to re-frame their mindsets and hence given the platform to evolve.


The journey

Over a 9-12 month journey, typically 12-14 coaching sessions, leaders will have an opportunity to take part in a full exclusive, individual coaching journey.

This coaching journey provide leaders with the impetus and inspiration for leadership growth. 

In confidential coaching sessions leaders are supported by regular one-on-one in person coaching – giving them the chance to ask questions and delve deeper into the issues important to them.

Crucial to the leadership growth journey is the use of assessment data and various tools such as Leadership Circle Profile, Barrett’s Values Profile or other relevant personality assessments.  They give leaders a deeper insight into themselves and their opportunities for growth.  

Driving this growth is a profound understanding of one’s own mindset and behavior.  This gives way to leaders understanding they have a choice in how they respond to the leadership challenges they face. It enables a shift in behavior from a reactive mindset to a creative one.

In combination, these elements all work together to accelerate leadership growth.