The Inspired Leader’s Journey

To inspire others, we have to be inspired ourselves

 The Inspired Leader Journey™ is a leadership development program where we grow leadership skills through the lens of values and purpose. The ability to inspire others is the most effective influencing tactic available, yet the most underutilised in today’s organisations.


Influence through inspiration

Inspired leaders are purpose-led and values-driven, making extraordinary impact in their organisations. They influence others to action through inspirational leadership.

The Inspired Leader Journey is a truly transformational experience. Leaders who’ve attended this leadership development program come away ready and eager to make significant positive shifts in their leadership style.


Finding personal and professional inspiration

Leaders today are faced with dual challenges – finding creative solutions to complex business challenges AND fulfilling our own professional and personal priorities.

Becoming a more conscious leader requires a high level of personal mastery – to be ‘in the dance’ AND ‘on the balcony’ at the same time.

By ‘in the dance’ we mean being able to execute effectively and resolve conflicts in challenging situations. Inspired leaders are able to do this while at the same time staying aware of the long-term perspective, patterns and interdependencies of systems -“on the balcony”. This balcony view helps provide clarity of the motivations and needs of our stakeholders, our people and (most importantly) ourselves.  Taking this view helps us remain in tune with own sense of who we are, and what we stand for – our Purpose.


Self-awareness is the starting point

In becoming more self-aware, we develop the ability to transform our mindsets and behaviours. We can lead with greater focus, empathy and purpose. In learning to lead through our values, we can engage and inspire others to make a bigger difference and achieve great outcomes.

The Inspired Leader Journey is a series of workshops for anyone who holds a leadership role where the ability to positively influence and inspire people to action is of essence:

The Inspired Leader: Leading Self (2 days)

The Inspired Leader: Leading Others (2 days)

2-hour taster sessions to experience the power of The Inspired Leader available in Abu Dhabi for your organisation

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